[Best Solutions] How to Fix Voicemails Not Showing Up on iPhone
"My sister said she had left me two voicemails when she called me. But I didn't see them on my device. Why are my voicemails not showing up on my iPhone? How can I fix it?"
Voicemail, a useful function developed by Apple for iPhone 6 or later users, has brought a lot of convenience to them. With the Voicemail function, you can check, manage, delete, or share all your voicemails in one app easily. However, many users report that there is something wrong with the Voicemail on their iPhones, impinging on their lives and work. You may wonder how to fix it if voicemail won't show on iPhone. Read this article, and you will find the answer to it.
Part 1: How to Set Up Voicemail on Your iPhone
Before you fix voicemails not showing up on iPhone, you need to ensure that Voicemail has been set up correctly on your device. Follow the step-by-step guidance belong to set up Voicemail on your iPhone.
Step 1: Click on the Phone icon, and then select Voicemail.
Step 2: Hit on Set Up Now. Then, set a password for Voicemail, and enter it again to confirm.
Step 3: Select Default or Custom on the Greeting screen.
Step 4: Tap the Done button to confirm, and then check whether your Voicemail not working fixed well.
Part 2: Five Solutions to Fix Voicemails Not Showing Up on iPhone
Solution 1: Toggle the Cellular Service
Sometimes, the voicemails don't show up because of the lag time of the internet. Therefore, you can try turning off cellular data and then turning it on. If you are fortunate enough, you can fix voicemail messages not showing up on iPhone by this method. Here is the guidance on how to conduct it.
Step 1: Firstly, go to the Settings app, and then select Cellular.
Step 2: On the next interface, click on Cellular Data to turn it off.
Step 3: A few seconds later, click on the switch again to turn on Cellular Data.
Step 4: After that, restart your iPhone to check whether the Voicemail works.
Solution 2: Hard Restart Your iPhone
If you're sure that your Voicemail has been set up properly, but the voicemails left by others don't show up, you can fix your iPhone by hard restarting it. It's the easiest way that you can employ when you meet simple system problems. Below are the steps to fix voicemail not showing up on iPhone.
1. Hard restart iPhone 6 or earlier: Hold down the Sleep/Wake button together with the Home button at the same time until the Apple logo shows up.
2. Hard restart iPhone 7 or 7 Plus: Hold down the Volume Down button together with the Sleep/Wake button in the meantime until the Apple logo appears.
3. Hard restart iPhone 8 or later: Press and rapidly loose the Volume Up button, then the Volume Down button. After that, you need to hold down the Side button, and loose it when the Apple logo comes out.
Solution 3: Change the Password of Voicemail
Another viable way to fix the problem that voicemail won't show on iPhone is changing the password of Voicemail, which plays an important role in protecting the security of voice messages. If you don't know how to reset the password, you can follow the step-by-step guidance in the following.
Step 1. Tap on the Phone icon on the Settings interface.
Step 2. Navigate to the Voicemail option, and then click on Change Voicemail Password.
Step 3. When the pop-up screen appears, enter your current voicemail password to reset your password.
Solution 4: Update the Carrier Settings
Besides, as the carrier may push an update for the cellular service sometimes, you can try fixing voicemails not showing up on iPhone by updating the Carrier Settings. Detailed steps on how to conduct the update are listed in the following.
Step 1. Click on the Settings icon. Then, tap General and then click About.
Step 2. On the next interface, check if there is any update for installing.
Step 3. Tap on the Update option to install new settings.
Solution 5: Use TunesKit System Recovery
If you are still having trouble fixing voicemail not showing up on iPhone after employing these methods, we recommend the best iOS system repair tool -- TunesKit iOS System Recovery to you. As a professional and authoritative software for system repair of iPhone/iPad/iPod touch/Apple TV, TunesKit iOS System Recovery is able to help you figure out the problem that iPhone Voicemail doesn't work, iPhone Voicemails won't be deleted, etc. Besides, it can not only fix devices stuck on Apple logo/DFU mode/Recovery mode, but also can be helpful to repair blue/green/white screen. No matter what models of iOS devices you use, you can fix them in 4 simple steps without data loss.
In addition to these basic functions, you are also allowed to enter and exit Recovery mode in one click, and upgrade and downgrade iOS systems with TunesKit iOS System Recovery.

Features of TunesKit iOS System Recovery:
- Fix voicemails not showing up on iPhone easily
- Repair 150+ iOS system problems on iOS devices
- Support iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Apple TV
- Available for Windows and Mac systems
Let's take a look at the specific steps to solve voicemails not show up problem in the following.
Step 1Get your iPhone connected to your PC
To start with, open TunesKit iOS System Recovery on your personal computer and connect your iPhone to it. Then, tap the Start button to the next step.
Step 2Select a mode to fix voicemail not showing up on iPhone
Choose a mode to fix your iPhone. You can select either Advanced Mode or Standard Mode in accordance with your own situation, and put your iPhone into DFU mode following the detailed guidance.
Step 3Download corresponding firmware package
After you put your iPhone into DFU mode, click Download to continue if there is nothing wrong with the device info.
Step 4Fix voicemail messages not showing up on iPhone
Once the download is finished, click Recover to fix voicemail messages not showing up on iPhone.
Part 3. Conclusion
That's all for how to deal with the matter that voicemail won't show on iPhone. Among these five methods we mentioned above, using TunesKit iOS System Recovery is the most suitable way for you to repair your iPhone with simple and easy steps. Hope all these can help you restore your iPhone and make your voicemail work properly.